
Balanced Lifestyle Group
Bromley Healthcare Working with

Would you like to have more confidence when walking and more energy to carry out your daily activities?

The Balanced Lifestyle Group can help you to improve your strength and balance through a 12 week, FREE, tailored group exercise programme based on specialist falls prevention research.

Together with information and advice on how to make the positive and active life style choices to reduce the risk of falls and improve quality of life you will also be provided with a home exercise programme.

Small groups of up to 12 are facilitated by two team members, including one therapist.

To be offered a place you must be registered with a local GP and have one of the following:

• a history of falls or fear of falling
• a balance problem
• low bone density and/or a family history of osteoporotic fracture.

For more information on this service please call 020 8315 8640

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